Under the leadership of its new management team, Fondaction is acquiring a new brand image. Julie Caillau, Director of Communications and Marketing, talks about it.
BB: Why undertake a revamping of your brand and its expression?
JC: For Fondaction, this questioning was born of a very simple observation: despite its expertise and its leadership in sustainable finance, built over its 25-year history, the Fund remains a too well-kept secret. We thought to ourselves, there must be something we can change in the way we express ourselves, in order to increase our notoriety and, ultimately, our positive impact on the economy and on society.
BB: What is the impact of Fondaction’s culture on your new brand expression platform?
JC: Fondaction is uncompromising as it aims for positive transformation of the economy. This mission is what mobilizes investors, the entrepreneurs and employers that Fondaction supports, its own employees and all of its partners as well. It was by understanding that this is the essence of our brand that we were able to design, with BrandBourg, our new brand image.
BB: What impact do you hope your new brand expression platform will have?
JC: The intended impact, in a nutshell, is simply notoriety. Not because that is a goal in itself, but because it is what will allow Fondaction to accelerate its growth. It will come about through new shareholders who want to prepare for retirement and to contribute to the world in which they will retire. It will involve companies that understand the importance and value of managing social and environmental risks, and partners who trust Fondaction’s expertise and creativity to transform the economy. And all this is made possible thanks to employees who are proud to be a part of this movement. In other words, we have high expectations for our new brand image!
BB: Finally, after the deployment of its new expression platform, what are the three words that you would like all stakeholders to associate with Fondaction?
JC: There are actually four and they describe the economy in which Fondaction invests: inclusive, equitable, high-performing and green. That’s what we are striving towards!